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日期: 2020-11-26

項(xiàng)目管理 Project Management

● 項(xiàng)目前期手續(xù)辦理;
    Pre - project management procedures;

●  項(xiàng)目中介服務(wù)工作的組織及管理;
    The organization and management of the project intermediary service;

●  項(xiàng)目施工過程中進(jìn)度、質(zhì)量、投資管理;
    The management of quality, progress, investment - in the process of project construction;

● 項(xiàng)目竣工驗(yàn)收及備案。
    The project completion acceptance and record.

地址: 湖北省武漢市洪山區(qū)文化大道555號(hào)融創(chuàng)智谷A7-4
電話: 027-81321519
傳真: 027-81321519
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